Fortuna Sittard

From club spirit to identity

  • Strategy
  • Design
  • Communication

The challenge

How do you convey the feeling and history of a club in one message? Bringing together both the wishes of the club and those of its supporters and external stakeholders in a dynamic playing field: that was the challenge. The new Fortuna must remain recognisable, but improved!

Our solution

We started researching (from management and players to supporters and sponsors) the sentiment of Fortuna Sittard. We translated this into a long-term plan and a distinctive proposition that can be appropriately implemented in the years ahead. From a renewed strategic vision to a new mascot.

"After we started a strategic process with Mannen van 80 regarding Fortuna Sittard's brand identity and positioning, it soon became clear that we really liked the collaboration. This collaboration was therefore immediately extended after one season, for several years. Together with our other design partners, they developed a completely new corporate identity of which we are incredibly proud of. One of the new projects we are now working on is the development of a new mascot which will further strengthen our positioning. A challenging project in which we are glad to be able to count on the knowledge and expertise of Mannen van 80."

– Nick Verheijen, Marketing Manager, Fortuna Sittard

Fortuna Sittard
A challenging project in which we are glad to be able to count on the knowledge and expertise of Mannen van 80.

 Nick Verheijen
Marketing Manager, Fortuna Sittard

What's next?

We remain involved as a strategic partner of Fortuna Sittard, both from an advisory and executive role.

Fortuna Sittard

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Get in touch

Are you ready to be challenged to make an improved version of your brand? Get in touch with us!

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